Industry Analyst Report

2024 Gartner Critical Capabilities™ for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms, Machine Learning Engineering

The rapid adoption of generative AI has led to increased AI sprawl and a greater need for robust AI governance and oversight, with upcoming regulations further driving this demand.

DataRobot received the highest ranking for Governance Use Case (4.10/5) in the 2024 Gartner Critical CapabilitiesTM for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms, Machine Learning Engineering.

Best end-to-end platform on the market. The model-agnostic development framework is superior to all others on the market, as well as the ease of deploying and managing models in production.
Chief Data Officer, Banking
I believe that every data analyst, data scientist, and ML engineer could greatly benefit from this platform through rapid ML app development, deployment, and monitoring of the model’s performance.
Data Scientist, Consumer Goods